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Programm - Vormittag
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Master of watercolour Staffel 1: Episode 9 England 2018 Autor: Nico NelTrue
Rumble & Hum is a reality tattoo and lifestyle show revolving around Lewis Vudulew Williams, who has finally opened his own tattoo studio. Lewis has got years of experience, both in South Africa and abroad, and he is multi international and local award winner. Together with his team of tattoo and piercing artists, Cole Moebius and Adrianne Black he uses the finest inks, vivid imagination and unstoppable creativity, combination of which results in most amazing and one-of-a-kind tattoos. Das „Rumble & Hum“ gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Tattoo-Studios in Südafrika. Der preisgekrönte Tätowierer Lewis `Vudulew Williams versammelt die besten Körper-Künstler des Landes in seinem Laden. Für diese Dokumentationsreihe lässt das eingeschworene Team sich über die Schulter schauen.
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Sporting magazine, USA 2021True
Action Sports World is a weekly magazine providing the top-of-the-line news of alternative sports from all over the globe. Get to know all current and planned events and games, scores, winners and favourites, top names and fresh faces. It is an amazing program for all fans of adrenaline sports.
(Beyond the Beaten Path) Ryozenji Temple Shikoku, Japan Staffel 1: Episode 5 Adventure & Survival, USAFalse
This unique programme follows the three adventurous Eagar brothers as they undertake incredible journeys to odd and exotic destinations around the world.
(Beyond the Beaten Path) Cape Breton Island, Canada Staffel 1: Episode 6 Adventure & Survival, USA 2021False
For those intrigued by exotic travel the three Eagar brothers travel all over the world to gain the best cultural and naturally authentic experiences. The brothers go from the snowy sleighs in the Artic to the Himalayan mountains to meet the King of the Forbidden City and the River Nile in Egypt. They present the vast cultural experiences that are out there that most would otherwise never see.
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Extreme sports, England 2021True
Some of the worlds wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme. Sports Adventure heads out with the bold and the brave, capturing action from the edge, no matter how difficult and treacherous the conditions.
2 Punkte von 6 von der TVgenial Community
Extreme sports, England 2021True
Some of the worlds wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme. Sports Adventure heads out with the bold and the brave, capturing action from the edge, no matter how difficult and treacherous the conditions.
2 Punkte von 6 von der TVgenial Community
Staffel 6: Episode 4 Nature documentation, USAFalse
Jonatahn Birds Blue World is an underwater science and adventure TV program, where the host is underwater cinematographer and dynamic naturalist. It is a fun and engaging learning platform, educating the viewers about all things underwater, including animal stories, marine research, recent discoveries and stunning underwater photography.
Staffel 6: Episode 5 Nature documentation, USAFalse
Jonatahn Birds Blue World is an underwater science and adventure TV program, where the host is underwater cinematographer and dynamic naturalist. It is a fun and engaging learning platform, educating the viewers about all things underwater, including animal stories, marine research, recent discoveries and stunning underwater photography.

Programm - Nachmittag
Wrestling Sports, England 2025False
North Wrestling is a UK-based promotion, featuring high-flying action and intense rivalries. North Wrestling, is a wrestling experience like no other.
Episode 1 Staffel 2: Episode 1 Travel, USAFalse
Follow Dominic Gill, an adventurer who cycles through Egypt, on a tandem bicycle. The catch is that he is doing it solo, so he asks strangers to ride awhile.
Episode 2 Staffel 2: Episode 2 Travel, USAFalse
Follow Dominic Gill, an adventurer who cycles through Egypt, on a tandem bicycle. The catch is that he is doing it solo, so he asks strangers to ride awhile.
Wintersports, USA 2025True
The biggest action sports event in the world, X Games, returns to Aspen, Colorado for the 2021 edition of the snow sports competition.
Sailing, USA 2025True
The most thrilling extreme watersports from around the world.
Sailing, USA 2025True
The most thrilling extreme watersports from around the world.

Was zeigt extreme heute Abend?

Programm - Abend
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Alls Well... Staffel 1: Episode 10 England 2018 Autor: Nico NelTrue
Rumble & Hum is a reality tattoo and lifestyle show revolving around Lewis Vudulew Williams, who has finally opened his own tattoo studio. Lewis has got years of experience, both in South Africa and abroad, and he is multi international and local award winner. Together with his team of tattoo and piercing artists, Cole Moebius and Adrianne Black he uses the finest inks, vivid imagination and unstoppable creativity, combination of which results in most amazing and one-of-a-kind tattoos. Das „Rumble & Hum“ gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Tattoo-Studios in Südafrika. Der preisgekrönte Tätowierer Lewis `Vudulew Williams versammelt die besten Körper-Künstler des Landes in seinem Laden. Für diese Dokumentationsreihe lässt das eingeschworene Team sich über die Schulter schauen.
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
Martial arts, USA 2025True
Mixed Martial Arts competition.

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Der Spartensender zeigt Ereignisse und Sportler in verschiedenenen Sportarten wie z.B. Surfen, Snowboarden, BMX-Biking, Mountainbiking, Motorradsport, Inline-Skating und Skilaufen.