CNN TV Programm gestern und am Abend 20:15 Uhr

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CNN Programm gestern

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Programm - Vormittag
Anna Stewart discovers how humanoid robots work, where theyre currently being used, and why so many people want to make machines look and act like us in the first place.
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
Several religious organizations make exceptional food for their devotees; some Michelin Star chefs bring those health-giving traditions to some of the worlds top tables.
The biggest names in cooking and most renowned chefs from different parts of the world share their passion and cooking skills with the viewers. Find out how the most iconic dishes are cooked, as the local chefs are here to provide an excellent presentation. South Africa, New Orleans, London and other places reveal secrets of the local mouth-watering cuisine.

Programm - Nachmittag
3,5 Punkte von 6 von der TVgenial Community  HDTV
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
As host of the 2022 World Cup, Qatar took its rightful place on the world stage. Explore the travel attractions and the iconic structures the nation-state offers its visitors.

Was zeigt CNN heute Abend?

Programm - Abend
It has been a year of war in the Middle East, and Christiane looks back on how this devastating conflict has unfolded in the last 12 months.
How Omans diverse landscapes and natural resources shape its present role as a hub for shipping and commerce and contribute to its plans for a sustainable, carbon-neutral future.
On the 15th anniversary of the Miracle on the Hudson, CNN interviews Captain C.B. Sully Sullenberger and passengers about the harrowing details and lasting effects of the iconic emergency landing that saved all 155 lives.
USA 2024False
USA 2024False
3,5 Punkte von 6 von der TVgenial Community  HDTV

Rückblick auf CNN Highlights von gestern

Gestern bot CNN eine beeindruckende Auswahl an Sendungen. Wenn Sie eine dieser Sendungen verpasst haben oder einfach nur in Erinnerungen schwelgen möchten, sind Sie hier genau richtig.

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